OpenAI’s Game-Changer: ChatGPT’s Access Internet Browsing Feature

As a versatile chatbot, ChatGPT has shown to be useful for a variety of jobs, including writing, coding, research, holiday planning, and more. Since its introduction, it has faced one significant obstacle, but the problem has since been resolved — for those prepared to pay the cost.

Internet Access for Subscribers

OpenAI's Game-Changer: ChatGPT's Access Internet Browsing Feature

On Wednesday, OpenAI revealed through an X (previously Twitter) post that its could now access the internet instantly and provide links to its resources. Subscribers to Plus and Enterprise will have access to the new functionality.

This opens the door for new talent and increases the trustworthiness of the chatbot because, for paying customers, ChatGPT won’t be restricted to information from before 2021.

The Collaboration with Microsoft’s Bing Browser

OpenAI's Game-Changer: ChatGPT's Access Internet Browsing Feature

The Bing internet browser from Microsoft allows ChatGPT access to the internet. This cooperation was first announced at Microsoft Build in May, and it was later made available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers. But after many months, it was removed by OpenAI because users were abusing the feature to bypass paywalls.

According to OpenAI, after the original launch in May, the company has gathered constructive user input that has been integrated into the newest upgrade, such as “following robots.Txt” and “identifying consumer dealers so that websites can sway how ChatGPT engages with consumers.”

Activating Internet Access for ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise

OpenAI's Game-Changer: ChatGPT's Access Internet Browsing Feature

Users of ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise only need to select “Browse with Bing” from the drop-down menu under GPT-four to activate the feature.

A $20/month ChatGPT Plus membership is required, however for those that need current statistics, the precision and dependability provided is definitely well worth the cost.

The choices will soon be expanded to include all clients, according to OpenAI, for any other customers who are eager to get their hands on it. Bing Chat, which is supported by GPT-4, has internet connectivity, provides resources, and is free, is a good alternative in the interim.

This claim was made only a few days after OpenAI declared that ChatGPT may desire to “see, hear, and communicate,” given the fact that it accepts speech and image triggers in addition to returning voice instructions.

The new seek and answer features are only available to ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise users and may be made available to customers in the coming weeks.


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