How to Start a Zero Business on Instagram Using AI

Have you been looking to start a small business on Instagram but don’t have any money or even know where to start? ChatGPT is not only used to answer questions but can also be used for market research and solicit or suggestions from a business. Use these kinds of AI tools to help your business grow.

Here is how ChatGPT can help you.

1. Use to ask what people won’t stop buying online

Use ChatGPT to ask what people won't stop buying online

Prompt: List 20 products people will never stop buying online in the next 200 years.

2. Know the exact product that will sell for you on Instagram

How to Start a Zero Business on Instagram Using AI

Prompt: I love the ebooks product idea and I want to attract mothers when I start the business. What kind of ebooks will mothers never stop buying?

3. Use to create that particular product

How to Start a Zero Business on Instagram Using AI

Prompt: Create a soft 3 course meal healthy recipe with detailed process for cooking each recipe for a year old children in the US with Jamaican roots, include more protein that are easily available in the country and also remove anything that might cause allergy, create with table format, make it for one month.

4. Use to build your Instagram and attract these mom customers

Prompt: I’m creating a course meal plan I want to sell to Jamaican mothers for their year old kids, build a complete content strategy with ideas and scripts for my Instagram in a table format.

5. Let ChatGPT run everything branding for your Instagram

Prompt: I’m building my Instagram to attract mother who love good meals for their newborns, I love calm colors and minimal yet clear fonts, create all the matching branding assets I need, also suggest befitting business names for me too.

6. Let ChatGPT tell you all you need to automate this business on Instagram even in your absence

How to Start a Zero Business on Instagram Using AI

Prompt: I’m planning a meal planning business on Instagram, list all the things I need to bring in leads and automate this business to keep it working even though I’m absent, be specific.

Knowing which product can be bought by your customers can be a huge problem solver for the businesses.

This is great for all those people who keep asking, “what kind of business I can start.” Since ChatGPT uses data that it has collected offline, its perfect for market research too.

These days a business is easily getting to the floor using those incredible AI tools.

It’s important to learn how effectively we can use them and implement them.

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