7 Ways to Sell Your Product or Service on Instagram Stories

So, you want to sell your product or service on your Instagram Stories? But perhaps you’re struggling with sounding salesy, knowing what to say or getting people to care.

Well, you’re in luck! Here are 7 ways you can talk about your product or service on your Instagram Stories.

Finally feel comfortable ‘selling’. I get it, most of us aren’t born with that car-salesman confidence. And honestly, thank goodness for that!

The psychology behind why people buy extends far beyond pushy scarcity tactics. But the winning mindset I’ve found that works every time is simply focussing on helping people.

❌ Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to make a sale!

Instead, focus on how your product or service will benefit the buyer.

They’re the one buying it after all! So WHY would they want to buy it?

  1. What problems will it solve for them?
  2. What are the desirable outcomes?
  3. What success stories can you share?

7 Ways to Sell Your Product or Service on Instagram Stories

How to Start a Zero Business on Instagram Using AI
  1. How you created it
  2. How to use/implement it
  3. Pain points it offers a solution to
  4. Outcomes of using it
  5. Benefits – create desire
  6. How it became what it is today
  7. Client success stories because of it

Did you notice what all of these points had in common? They focus on the WHY!

Not just why you can created it, but more importantly, why your target audience should care about it!

Always make sure you talk about your offers in a way that is benefit-focussed on your audience (not you!).

Focusing on the value it brings to customers > just selling. It’s not enough to say your product or service is awesome– you need to show why!

When you’re able to place your product as the solution to a problem they’ve battled with, you sell without even selling!

Sell the sizzle not the steak is the saying.

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