ChatGPT Prompts for Instagram growth

The effective outcome from is possible only with effective prompts.

when used properly will even come and even apply it for. I mean it’s super efficiency is what makes it different from all the AI tools in the market.

I love how dynamic ChatGPT can be especially when you know the right to use!

for Instagram content

Use these ChatGPT prompts to create engaging content with it.

1. Generate content

ChatGPT Prompts for Instagram growth

Introduce what you do, share 10 of your existing ideas and ask for new .


I am a real estate mentor on Instagram teaching prople to make money by investing in real estate strategically. I am based in Jakarta and mainly focus on real estate in Florida.

Below are my latest Instagram reels
(list your 10 last reels ideas)

Similar to the above, give me 10 new ideas for short Instagram reels.

2. Write a video script

ChatGPT Prompts for Instagram growth

Introduce the reels you create, share an example script and ask for the script for your idea. But, use the script ChatGPT generates as a guide and use your own words.


I am a real estate mentor on Instagram creating short and engaging, educational reels. My reels always start with a catchy hook and directly get into actionable tips. They are always under 30 seconds long.

Below is an example video script of mine
(type the script of a well-performing reel)

Similar to the above, give me script for a reel on the ideas (type your new idea).

3. Change the tone of your text

ChatGPT Prompts for Instagram growth

Use this if you want to change the tone to make your post sound more professional, friendly or funny.


Below is the text I wrote for an Instagram post.
(type the text here)

I am a personal trainer who likes to be friendly and witty in my text.

So rewrite the above text in a friendly tone, without increasing its length or altering the idea.

4. Proofread your text

ChatGPT Prompts for Instagram growth

Use this if you want to improve your grammar and fix any errors.


Below is the text I wrote for an Instagram post.
(type the text here)

Proofread the above text and fix any grammar/spelling mistakes I’ve made, without increasing it’s length or altering the idea.

ChatGPT Prompts for Instagram growth

Introduce the content you create, share your new post idea and share guidelines to make the post.


I am chiropractor on Instagram creating educational carousels with simple and actionable tips. My carousels usually contain 6-8 slides always starting with a catchy hook in the first slide and ending with a call to action slide.

You are to draft a new carousel for me on the idea “(type your new idea)

– Draft the text to include in each slide
– Mention any images/icons to add to the slides
– Mention how to design the slides, and which text is a heading/subheading
– Use only up to 3 sentences in each slide

Create your own prompt in ChatGPT

Right prompt is all about the detailed information & facts you have shared with ChatGPT.. The more accurate and detailed the prompt will be, the answer will also be that accurate and desired.

Instagram growth takes time and effort. Stay committed to providing value to your audience, analyzing your insights, and adjusting your strategies accordingly.

Even though ChatGPT is pretty basic in terms of creativity, it can save a lot of time by generating ideas in seconds.

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