Top 5 AI Chrome Extensions to Save Hours of Work

Google Chrome has 188,620 , so here are the top 5 AI Chrome extensions to save hours of work you must try.

Embrace the future of productivity! 🤖✨ Discover these game-changing AI Chrome extensions that are about to revolutionize your workflow.

From generating step-by-step guides to supercharging your writing skills, these tools are here to make your tasks a breeze.

Top 5 AI Chrome

Top 8 Must Have ChatGPT Extensions

1. Scribe

Top 5 AI Chrome Extensions to Save Hours of Work

AI that auto-generates step-by-step guides for you. Just click capture > do your process > AI gives you a step-by-step guide with text and screenshots.

Use your guides to teach anyone how to do anyting on the internet easily.

2. Compose AI

Top 5 AI Chrome Extensions to Save Hours of Work

Generate any text using AI. Autocomplete your sentences where you type. With Compose AI, you can write emails, create documents, and chat faster. We use artificial intelligence to automate the writing process.

Compose AI is like a super helper for writing on the computer.

It’s a tool that makes writing 40% faster by using smart computer suggestions to finish your sentences and make new text.

3. Tripnotes

Top 5 AI Chrome Extensions to Save Hours of Work

Imagine having a special tool that plans your whole trip for you and gives your great ideas on what to do.

You don’t need to worry about making travel plans anymore! And guess what? It won’t cost you anything – it’s totally free!

4. Alicent

Top 5 AI Chrome Extensions to Save Hours of Work

Here’s a really cool add-on for ChatGPT. It helps create exactly the right stuff for whatever you need. Like magic words for anything!

  1. Instant access to from anywhere the web
  2. Use any page as context for prompts
  3. 250+ Expert Library

5. Perplexity

Top 5 AI Chrome Extensions to Save Hours of Work

Imagine supercharged! You can quickly get answers about anything you want to know, and it even shows you where it got the information from.

Perplexity is like and Google combined. When you have a question, ask Perplexity and it will search the internet and write you a quick answer with cited sources. Or if you are on a page, get it instantly summarized for you.

Engage with AI-powered tools to revolutionize your workflow and explore new horizons effortlessly. Upgrade your Chrome experience today!

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