16 Instagram Story Ideas For September 2023

Stories are such a powerful tool for engaging with your audience and it’s important to have a clear intention behind each one. Getting ideas for Instagram Story is much hard for people than getting for our posts.

And if coming up with content ideas is a struggle. Let me share with you the strategy that will make you can enough content for an entire year.

Not sure what to post in your Instagram Stories? Here are 20 to get you started.

16 Instagram Story Ideas For September 2023

ChatGPT Prompts for Instagram growth
  1. Share an inspirational quote that will resonate with your audience
  2. Share 3 tips on something your audience is struggling with
  3. Talk about the biggest mistake you see them making that prevent them from reaching their goals
  4. Share 3 “get to know me” facts you can be creative using the poll or quiz stickers
  5. Ask your audience what your next post should be about – use the poll or quiz stickers to give them options
  6. Tell your audience what your plan of the day is
  7. Share your most valuable tip for what they’re struggling the most with
  8. Share about the book you’re reading currently
  9. Do a mini training on a topic you are educating people on
  10. Ask your audience what their thoughts are on a certain topic – use the question box
  11. Give shoutouts to your favourite account – the one you know your audience can benefit from
  12. Share a testimonal
  13. Thank your audience for their daily support
  14. Introduce yourself – don’t forget that they not know who you are and what you offer
  15. Do a Q and A on certain topic
  16. Ask your audience their wins of the week

1 Month of content ideas for September 2023

16 Instagram Story Ideas For September 2023
  1. Saturday 1st: [story] Reintroduce yourself and share your story
  2. Sunday 2nd: [reel] Debunk a common myth in your industry
  3. Monday 3rd: [single post] Share the 5 tools that will be a game changer for your audience
  4. Tuesday 4th: [reel] Share your best hack that will help them achieve their goals
  5. Wednesday 5th: [carousel] Give some tips to a common problem your ideal clients have
  6. Thursday 6th: [single post] 3 ways to (add the goal your audience what to achieve)
  7. Friday 11th: Break
  8. Saturday 8th: [reel] Share your inspirational story (or use clients) using a trendy music or a trend
  9. Sunday 9th: Break
  10. Monday 10th: [single post] Share 5 reasons why your ideal clients are not achieving their goals
  11. Tuesday 11th: [carousel] Share a tutorial about something that will help them save time/money
  12. Wednesday 12th: [reel] Show a behind the scene using a trendy song and/or a voice over
  13. Thursday 13th: [story] Share a picture of yourself with a quote that will help them feel inspired
  14. Friday 14th: Break
  15. Saturday 15th: [carousel] “Try this if you want to” add your ideal client’s goal
  16. Sunday 16th: Break
  17. Monday 17th: [single post] Share a GIF that explains how your ideal clients feel when trying to achieve their goals
  18. Tuesday 18th: [reel] Share that one trick that has been a game changer for you
  19. Wednesday 19th: [single post] Share a before/after adapted to your industry
  20. Thursday 20th: [carousel] Share your story in a carousel or a client’s story
  21. Friday 21st: Break
  22. Saturday 22nd: [reel] Share something that all your clients can relate to using a trendy song
  23. Sunday 23rd: Break
  24. Monday 24th: [carousel] “Stop doing (share something they often do but that they really shouldn’t)”
  25. Tuesday 25th: [single post] What you believe you need to (insert what they want to achieve) vs what you actually need
  26. Wednesday 26th: [reel] (Insert what they want to achieve) step by step process
  27. Thursday 27th: [carousel] “I bet you didn’t know this about (inser your industry and share something that will help them)”
  28. Friday 28th: Break
  29. Saturday 29th: [reel] POV you’re (share the thing they want the most and inspirational clips of what it looks like)
  30. Sunday 30th: Break

Let’s welcome September with beautiful ideas.

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