7 Easy Faceless Instagram Reels Ideas

They come and go quickly. I post these Instagram reels ideas on Friday for several reasons, one of them is so you can use the weekend to create the reel that inspired you, taking advantage of the audio with less uses.
If you felt motivated by these audio’s and ideas, take action!

7 Instagram Reels

7 Easy Faceless Instagram Reels Ideas

1. You need money

Think of the theme: What is a false belief your ideal audience has that they need to stop, and what is it they SHOULD be focusing on?


  • Stop thinking you need to go viral – You need to attract your ideal audience
  • Stop thinking you need to starve yourself – You need to eat the right foods
  • Stop thinking you need to do it all on your own – they need you!

Original audio: @scottevandavis

2. How stoked are you?

Think of the theme: Share something exciting with your ideal audience!

  • Your new release
  • A project you just finished for a client
  • A fantastic testimonial from a client
  • Fantastic results a client received after getting your help
  • Your most recent accomplishment
  • Your client’s most recent accomplishment

Original audio: @rowley.adventures

3. I don’t care

Think of the theme: Share mistakes you’ve made in your business that you have overcome to inspire your ideal audience to do the same!

Share BTS video or a stock video with a list of the mistakes (or a mistake) you’ve made and how you overcame it/what you are doing now.

  • Use to focus on going viral
  • Didn’t use to engage
  • Use to use drugstore skincare

Original audio: @britty_paige

4. Why not you

Think of the theme: Behind-the-scenes (BTS) share a collage of BTS videos with what you are doing to make a better life for your self to encourage your ideal audience to do the same.

  • Share some of the struggles you’ve encountered growing your business
  • Share some of the great things that have happened to you in your business
  • Share where you started and where you are now!

Original audio: @motivatinginjection

5. Music

Think of the theme: Comparing or before/after moment.

  • Share your POV (point of view) on something niche-related
  • Share an expectation in your niche versus a reality
  • Share YOUR expectations versus your reality
  • Share before and after client results

7-seconds of audio, this one will grow fast!

Original audio: @larissawhite_

6. Delusion

Think of the theme: What were you “delusional” about when you started your business.

  • What did people say to you when you started your business that you did not listen to?
  • Share a “win” you’ve recently had despite their negativity

Show your ideal audience that you struggled too, yet kept going and they can too!

Original audio: @martinisandmascara

7. Elite learner

Think of the theme: BTS of taking action to build your business.

  • Share your point of view helping your client
  • Share your point of view creating your dream life
  • Share the good times and the bad, let your ideal audience know that you’ve struggled and you made it throught that struggle and THEY CAN TOO!

Original audio: @theschoolofwrestling

Sharing your business mistakes and BTS is not only inspiring but also relatable. It’s a powerful way to connect with your audience, showing them that growth and success come from learning.

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