3 Posting Schedules to Grow on Instagram

Remember, consistency is key regardless of the schedule you choose. Make a commitment to yourself and your audience to follow through with your chosen Instagram posting schedules. Success requires effort and time investment.

Posting more will definitely tell the Instagram Algorithm that you are active but posting invaluable content will never help you grow. Stick to a and post content that add value.

Consistency is definitely key when it comes to growing on Instagram! Choosing a Instagram posting schedules that works for you and sticking to it is a great way to build a loyal audience.


3 Posting Schedules to Grow on Instagram

1. Easy > slower growth

  1. Mon: 1 reel, 2-3 stories
  2. Tue: 2-3 stories
  3. Wed: 1 single post, 2-3 stories
  4. Thu: 2-3 stories, live (30 min)
  5. Fri: 1 carousel, 2-3 stories
  6. Sat: Take a break (no posting at all)
  7. Sun: 1 single post, 2-3 stories

2. Moderate > moderate growth

  1. Mon: 1 reel, 3-4 stories
  2. Tue: 1 carousel, 3-4 stories
  3. Wed: 3-4 stories
  4. Thu: 1 single post, 3-4 stories, live (30 min)
  5. Fri: 1 reel or carousel, 3-4 stories
  6. Sat: 3-4 stories
  7. Sun: 1 single post, 3-4 stories

3. Challenging > faster growth.

  1. Mon: 1 reel, 4-6 stories, live (30 min)
  2. Tue: 1 carousel, 4-6 stories
  3. Wed: 1 single post, 4-6 stories
  4. Thu: 1 reel, 4-6 stories, live (30 min)
  5. Fri: 1 carousel, 4-6 stories
  6. Sat: 1 single post, 4-6 stories
  7. Sun: 1 reel or carousel, 4-6 stories

But have to give break to posting at least one day. Even Instagram need some break for understanding niche of the page, algorithm will find in break times.

Having a clear posting is a part of having a content strategy, we don’t have to post everyday to see growth, we can post 3 or 4 times a week and still see results. The most important thing is to have a strategy in place and be consistent.

Image by: Photo by Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash.

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